
Enforces the use of types from the typing module in type annotations in place of builtins.{builtin_type} since the type system doesn’t recognize the latter as a valid type.

Has Autofix: Yes

VALID Code Examples

# 1:

def fuction(list: List[str]) -> None:

# 2:

def function() -> None:
    thing: Dict[str, str] = {}

# 3:

def function() -> None:
    thing: Tuple[str]

# 4:

from typing import Dict, List
def function() -> bool:
        return Dict == List

# 5:

from typing import List as list
from graphene import List

def function(a: list[int]) -> List[int]:
        return []

INVALID Code Examples

# 1:

from typing import List
def whatever(list: list[str]) -> None:


@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

 from typing import List
-def whatever(list: list[str]) -> None:
+def whatever(list: List[str]) -> None:

# 2:

def function(list: list[str]) -> None:

# 3:

def func() -> None:
    thing: dict[str, str] = {}

# 4:

def func() -> None:
    thing: tuple[str]

# 5:

from typing import Dict
def func() -> None:
    thing: dict[str, str] = {}


@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

 from typing import Dict
 def func() -> None:
-    thing: dict[str, str] = {}
+    thing: Dict[str, str] = {}